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Badlands Reagent Run

Blizzard пометили это задание как устаревшее — его нельзя получить или выполнить.
Bring 5 Buzzard Gizzards, 10 Crag Coyote Fangs, and 5 Rock Elemental Shards to Jarkal Mossmeld in Kargath, Badlands.
Второй желудок канюка (5)
Клык скального койота (10)
Осколок каменного элементаля (5)


<имя>, I could use your aid if you're up for it. I am an alchemist of some note, and I seek your aid in acquiring some reagents found out in the Badlands.

I need the following items to replenish my stocks: five buzzard gizzards, ten crag coyote fangs, and five rock elemental shards. Obviously, you can get them off of the beasties themselves; if you're not the fighting type, then find friends who are.

Acquire these items for me, you'll get some coin out of the deal. Watcha wanna do?


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