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The Will of the Warchief

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Bring Warchief Kargath's Fist to Nazgrel in Thrallmar.
Кулак вождя Каргата (1)


The struggle to free the orcish people from our tainted blood has not been easy, <имя>. Warchief Thrall has seen too many orcish heroes laid low by fate's hand. Now, it seems Kargath Bladefist numbers among them.

In the Shattered Halls of Hellfire Citadel, Kargath has claimed the title of 'Warchief' of the Fel Horde. With an army of crazed, bloodthirsty fel orcs at his back, he won't rest until Thrallmar is destroyed. Warchief Thrall has commanded us to defeat Kargath and his forces at all costs.


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