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[Unlimited Potential]

[Use the Reinforced Cage to capture 5 Cavorting Pygmies.]
[Sand Pygmies captured] (5)
Прилагается предмет:
Клетка Суллы для пигмеев (1)


[Some see the little sand pygmy as nothing more than a pest, a vermin, or worse yet, a vile little demon.

I say they are simply misunderstood!

With the proper care and guidance, these little fellows may just turn out to be a glorious gift of nature.

I would like you to take these cages and use them to capture a few of them for me to work with.

You will need to give them a sound beating before boxing them up, but in the end it will be for their own good.

You'll see!

Go south for pygmies!]



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