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The Mindless Ones

Blizzard пометили это задание как устаревшее — его нельзя получить или выполнить.
Kill 5 Mindless Zombies and 5 Wretched Ghouls.
Безмозглый зомби убито (5)
Презренный вурдалак убито (5)


Since the first Forsaken crawled out of his tomb, we have been at war with the Lich King's army of the Scourge: necromantically raised armies of the undead, foul beasts of the north, and tormented spectres.

The Lich King no longer sits the Frozen Throne, but the northern part of the village remains overrun with his slaves. Destroy them, show them no mercy, our former brothers and sisters as they might be.


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