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Wenikee Boltbucket

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Bring the Broken and Battered Samophlange to Wenikee Boltbucket. Talk to Brak to teleport directly to her.
Разбитый и сломанный самофланж (Прилагается) (1)


I think I really put my foot into that one - it looks like I might have knocked one of the load-bearing fluxors into the spokes of the deregulator gear. We can fix this, easy. I know an expert on triple-expansion piston drives who would love to get her hands on a samophlange. Take the broken samophlange to Wenikee Boltbucket, just south of Mor'shan Rampart, she'll patch 'er right up.

Hey, no need to walk - this gives me the perfect opportunity to test my personal people porter device!

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