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A Dip in the Moonwell

Blizzard пометили это задание как устаревшее — его нельзя получить или выполнить.
Use the Robotron Control while standing near the Concealed Command Console hidden in a small cluster of bushes on the rim of the needle closest to Thalanaar to take command of a Robotron 3000. Pilot the robot to the western edge of Thousand Needles where the Alliance outpost of Thalanaar is located. Use the robot to collect a sample of the moonwell's water and return it to Wizlo Bearingshiner at Whitereach Post.
Вода из Лунного колодца Таланаара (1)
Устройство управления Роботроном (Прилагается) (1)


Stop looking at me like that! I didn't say I was going to send you to Thalanaar's moonwell out in the open with dipper and a flask!

I've been, err... tinkering with a product I was transporting for a client. In fact, I've already set up a portable control console for the Robotron out near Thalanaar. You'll need to bring this control unit with you and use it in the vicinity of my concealed console.

If my client ever heard that I so much as removed Robotron from its packaging, he'd hang me by my ears!

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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(9433))

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