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The Missing

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While wearing your Cult Disguise, speak to Cultist Kagarn, Cultist Agtar, Cultist Tokka, and Cultist Rokaga at the Jaggedswine Farm in Durotar.
Поговорить с сектантом Кагарном (1)
Поговорить с сектантом Агтаром (1)
Поговорить с сектантом Токкой (1)
Поговорить с сектантом Рокагой (1)


Aside from the disturbances and the paranoia spread by the cult, we've been inundated with reports of missing people. Mothers, fathers, brothers, and sisters have seemingly disappeared, but I have a feeling that they can be found in one of the cult's compounds outside the city. If I give you the names of some of the missing people, would you try to locate them in the cultist camp at the Jaggedswine Farm south of Orgrimmar? To blend in, you'll need to get a robe from one of the doomsayers in the Drag.


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